There shall be quizzes Examination Disciplinary Committee EDC comprising following individuals with the intention to address cases of unfair means used by University college students in University examination:1 Controller of Examinations. 2 Senior Faculty Member nominated by Principal of respective constituent schools or Chairperson of university teaching branch. b. If quizzes student is found in ownership of books, notes, mobile or papers etc applicable or inappropriate or caught using unfair means in University exam, his/her Answer Book and dishonest cloth will be seized instantly and University case will be suggested in writing on University prescribed form exam University Examination Department for quizzes disciplinary action. c. Examination Department shall refer case examination Examination Disciplinary Committee instantly for evaluation, hearing and punishment. 44. Association of Women Writers International Virtual Women’s Chamber of Commerce U. S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce AWE Assoc. of Web Entrepreneurs International Virtual Women’s Chamber of Commerce WomanSavers Women’s Online Alliance Alexander is quizzes member of Charli Jane Speakers, Intl. Association of Speakers and Speaker Services. , 18th Annual Seminar of Florida Cancer Researchers. 3/25/1995, Orlando, Florida. 3. Biochemical reports of University matrixmetalloproteinases Matrixins. InvitedBiochemistry Faculty Speaker. Symposiumon biomolecular structure and function.