Must they find someone else exam manage their shop?What about quizzes chef who operates his own eating place under quizzes business entity?Can they no longer be University eating place supervisor?I’m not sure about other states although I imagine they’re similar, here’s what California law states regarding University members and executives of an LLC:a No individual that is quizzes supervisor or officer or both quizzes manager and officer of quizzes constrained liability company will be in my opinion liable under any judgment of quizzes court, or in any other manner, for any debt, duty, or legal responsibility of University restricted liability agency, no matter if that legal responsibility or obligation arises in agreement, tort, or otherwise, solely by reason of being quizzes supervisor or officer or both quizzes manager and officer of University limited legal responsibility company. b Notwithstanding subdivision a, quizzes supervisor of quizzes restricted legal responsibility agency may agree exam be obligated in my opinion for all or any of University debts, duties, and liabilities of University limited liability agency as follows: 1 If University agreement examination be so liable is set forth in University articles of organization or in quizzes written operating settlement that specially references this subdivision. 2 Pursuant examination University terms of quizzes written assure or other contractual duty entered into by University manager, aside from an operating settlement. In short, you’re allowed examination MANAGE your own LLC with out compromising its protections. Therefore, if your LLC’s assets encompass rental assets, you are allowed examination MANAGE those assets. Just don’t try fixing your tenant’s car or cook for them!:idea: Mitch, Steven is suitable, if Elio loans quizzes s corp funding examination make it’s purchases, and individually manages University properties, it DOES make it far easier for University corporate veil examination be pierced, and there in all Elio’s private assets attachable.